Thursday, May 20, 2010

And the lists continue

Alright so maybe I've been a little obsessed with lists recently, but this is my blog right? So I can write whatever I want. :)

Next on my list of lists is a list of current "don't you just hate that's?" Everyone has them, and I know mine is especially long, seeing as I'm annoyed easier than anyone I know.

So here goes...

1. People who drive slow in the left lane/drive 5 under the speed limit. Okay I'm sure I've been guilty of it at some point too, but really...if it takes you twenty extra minutes to get somewhere you should start to think about speeding up.

2. Guys in big trucks that think they're so cool/they own the road. You aren't, and you don't. Get over it. Just because you could crush me with your car doesn't give you the right to ride my bumper.

3. People who wear my clothes and don't return them (ahem, Jenna).

4. The words lol, jank, and merk, if they even qualify as words.

5. People who are rude no matter how friendly or nice you try to be to them. Really, do you think it's easy to be nice to you? Show some respect please.

6. Season finales of TV shows. I know, it's petty.

7. People who are continually disappointing.

8. People who think cussing is cool in some odd way.

9. Smokers. Sorry, it gives me a headache.

10. Creepy old golfers. Please hit on someone your own age, thanks.

11. Goodbyes.

12. Ancient history.

I should probably go ahead and hop off my soapbox now. :)

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