First of all, when people told me things about college, I would always brush them off and ignore their advice, not thinking I would have any of the same experiences. That was not the case at all. People were right when they said that classes were hard and I would have to focus on my studies even more than I did in highschool. People were also right when they said that you should always go to class, I went from a C to a B because I went to every single one of my awful GHIST 101 classes. People were beyond right in saying that Professors love students who go the extra mile to say hello or drop by office hours. When you are more than a face in the crowd or a number in the class, things will honestly go better for you in the class. Also, even if you think you're wrong, speak up in classes. Professors like discussion, and they beg for your own opinions. Most of them (unless they're awful) won't even bash you if you're completely wrong. Those are just a few pointers I thought I would share!
But there are a lot of things people didn't tell me about. I didn't realize how hard the adjustment would be. I didn't realize I would lose a few friends in the process of finding my friends. I didn't really trust the saying that you find your best friends in college. I was so blessed by God to have met some amazing girls within my first few weeks here. It made survival possible and the transition a little easier. It should've been harder for me to accept the loss of friendships, but I don't feel like I should have to change who I have become because people from my past can't appreciate it. I like who I am and I don't intend to go back to they way things were before. High School is beyond over for me.
My faith has grown so much this year as well. I don't know how people live in ignorance of the Creator. He never ceases to amaze me; He's always there in my darkest hour and when nobody else appears to understand what I'm going through. I'm extremely blessed to have been involved with incredible people this year through YoungLife and to have grown so much in my faith.
I've had to make some pretty tough decisions this year, too. I believe that comes with growing up. I struggled with the decision whether or not to lead YoungLife, and I'm still contemplating it. I had to leave behind relationships that were holding me back. I had to choose between living in the past or choosing a better future. I had to choose happiness, which also caused me great pain. Needless to say, Freshman year has been an incredible year for me and I'm so excited for the future. :)
P.S. Tiffany, Rachel, Whit... you guys are the best and I love you all so so much. You will never understand how much you have changed me and I am eternally grateful to have met you and I will thank God for the rest of my life for the time I get to spend with you all.
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